助力酒店管理 | 提升英语能力


业主代表    owner』s representative
招标公告    announcement for tender
报价        quote for
改造工程    modification work
招标程序    tender procedures
投标保证金  tender bond
投标截止日期 closing date
投标人须知  instructions to bidders
招标委员会  tender committee
招标澄清会  tender clarification meeting
标前会      a pre-bid meeting
现场踏勘     site visit
潜在投标人   prospective bidders
约束投标人   bind on the tenderers
初步询价     preliminary inquiry
邀请函收到回执 acknowledgement of receipt of letter ofinvitation
授予合同     award a contract
采购经理     purchasing manager
袋装水泥     bagged cement
产品目录     products catalogue
形式发票     pro forma invoice
货物清关     Customs clearance / clearance of goodsthrough Customs
挖掘用炸药    dynamite for the excavation
免税         Customs Duty Exemption
工程的开工   commencement of Works
开工通知      give notice to commerce the Works
进度计划的提交 submission of program
用横道图和网络计划表线工期计划 present program in bar chart and networkform
工程进展     project progress
现场勘查     site survey
修订后的图纸 a revised drawing
图纸上的错误缺漏 errors and omissions on the drawing
克服问题     overcome the problem
进度         rate of progress
加快进度     expedite progress / constructionacceleration
夜间/周末施工许可 permission to Work at night/weekends
异常恶劣天气条件 exceptionally adverse weather conditions
合理的费用和利润补偿 a reasonable allowance for overheads andprofit
指派有经验的项目管理人 assignment of an experienced projectplanner
月进度审议会      monthly progress review meeting
常驻现场          be resident on site
进度报告          progress report
不合格报告       Non-conformance report
提交纠偏计划      submit corrective plan
工程的竣工        completion of the Works
竣工测试通知      notice of tests on completion
操作维护手册      operation and maintenance manuals
移交证书的申请    application for taking-over certificate
缺陷责任期        defects liability period
实质完工         Substantial completion
永久性工程        permanent Works
优质竣工证书      excellent execution certificate
满足/超过设计标准 fulfill or over-fulfill the design standards
现场施工作业     site operation
被记录            be logged on
混凝土规格和实际使用 concreting specification and practice
混凝土保护层     a protective layer of concrete
埋置钢筋        embedded steel
钢筋的处理       treatment of steel
建筑材料的存放   storage of construction materials
发电厂房的工作质量 work quality at powerhouse
清理不合格工程   removal of improper Work
停工命令         stop work order
工程的检查、检验与修复 inspections, tests and remedies
覆盖前工程的检验 examinations of Work before covering up
缺陷的修复       defects to be remedied
工程付款         payment for the Works
工程量的计量     Works to be measured
期中付款         interim payment
进度款申请       application for progress payment
未付款通知       Notification of non-Payment
保留金的返还     release of retention money
竣工报告         Statement at Completion
最终支付证书     final payment certificate
工程变更和费用调整 variation and cost adjustment
工程变更请求   request for change proposal
变更命令        change/variation order
费用变动通知    notification of a varied rate
分包请求        request for consent to sublet
分包商同意书    approval of subcontractors
分包商业绩      subcontractor business practices
承包商的索赔    claims by contractor
现场移交的推迟   deferring the date for possession of site
业主方对索赔的处理 honoring or defending against claims
不可预见的外部障碍 unforeseeable physical obstructions
争端与仲裁      dispute and arbitration
仲裁意向通知    intention to settle dispute by arbitration


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