助力酒店管理 | 提升英语能力

前厅英语 | 续住服务




  • 前台员工应该礼貌地问候客人。
  • 前台员工应该核实客人的姓名、房间号和预定信息,以确认客人的身份和入住情况。
  • 前台员工应该询问客人需要延住的时间和房型,以及是否有其他特殊要求。


  • 前台员工应该使用酒店管理系统,查询客人所需的时间和房型是否有空房。
  • 如果有空房,前台员工应该告知客人延住的价格和政策,并询问客人是否同意。
  • 如果没有空房,前台员工应该客人道歉,并提供其他可选的方案,如换房、换酒店或等待取消。


  • 如果客人同意延住,前台员工应该修改客人的预定信息,将入住时间延长至客人所需的时间,并打印出新的预定单。
  • 前台员工应该客人签署新的预定单,并收取延住的费用,或者确认客人的信用卡信息。
  • 前台员工应该客人新的房卡,并告知客人延住后的退房时间和注意事项。


  • 前台员工应该感谢客人选择本酒店,并祝福客人入住愉快。
  • 前台员工应该整理好相关的文件和资料,并将延住的情况记录在酒店管理系统中。

Part 1. 基础词汇

英文词汇 音标 中文意思
extend stay /ɪkˈstend steɪ/ 延住
check-out time /tʃek-aʊt taɪm/ 退房时间
late check-out /leɪt tʃek-aʊt/ 延迟退房
early check-in /ɜːli tʃek-ɪn/ 提前入住
room availability /ruːm əˌveɪləˈbɪləti/ 房态
room rate /ruːm reɪt/ 房价
room reservation /ruːm ˌrezə(r)ˈveɪʃn/ 房间预订
room assignment /ruːm əˈsaɪnmənt/ 房间分配
room upgrade /ruːm ʌpˈgreɪd/ 房间升级
room downgrade /ruːm ˈdaʊnɡreɪd/ 房间降级
room change /ruːm tʃeɪndʒ/ 换房
front desk, reception /frʌnt desk, rɪˈsepʃn/ 前台
guest service agent /ɡest ˈsɜːvɪs ˈeɪdʒənt/ 客服人员
guest request /ɡest rɪˈkwest/ 客人要求
guest satisfaction /ɡest ˌsætɪsˈfækʃn/ 客人满意度
guest complaint /ɡest kəmˈpleɪnt/ 客人投诉
guest feedback /ɡest ˈfiːdbæk/ 客人反馈
hotel policy /hoʊˈtel ˈpɒləsi/ 酒店政策
hotel facilities /hoʊˈtel fəˈsɪlətiz/ 酒店设施
hotel manager /hoʊˈtel ˈmænɪdʒər/ 酒店经理

Part 2. 关键句型


  • Do you need to extend your stay?

    • 您需要延住吗?
    • 这是一个简单的一般疑问句,用来询问客人是否有延住的需求。
    • 如果客人回答Yes,可以继续询问客人需要延住的时间和房型。
    • 如果客人回答No,可以表示感谢并提醒客人退房时间。
  • How long would you like to stay with us?

    • 您想要在我们酒店住多久?
    • 这是一个特殊疑问句,用来询问客人需要延住的时间。
    • 这个句型可以用在客人已经表示需要延住的情况下,也可以用在主动提供延住服务的情况下。
    • 注意would like to表示客人的愿望,而不是实际的可能性。如果酒店没有空房或者有其他限制,可能无法满足客人的要求。
  • What kind of room do you prefer?

    • 您喜欢什么样的房间?
    • 这是一个特殊疑问句,用来询问客人需要延住的房型。
    • 这个句型可以用在客人已经表示需要延住的情况下,也可以用在主动提供延住服务的情况下。
    • 注意prefer表示客人的偏好,而不是实际的可选项。如果酒店没有客人喜欢的房型或者有其他限制,可能无法满足客人的要求。


  • The rate for extending your stay is $200 per night.

    • 延住的价格是每晚200美元。
    • 这是一个陈述句,用来告知客人延住的价格。
    • 这个句型可以用在前台员工查询了房态后,确认了酒店有空房的情况下。
    • 注意rate表示价格,而不是折扣或者优惠。如果酒店有特殊的促销活动或者会员优惠,可以在这个句型后面加上相关的信息。
  • According to our hotel policy, you need to pay a deposit of $500 for extending your stay.

    • 根据我们酒店的政策,您需要支付500美元的押金来延住。
    • 这是一个陈述句,用来告知客人延住的政策。
    • 这个句型可以用在前台员工查询了房态后,确认了酒店有空房的情况下。
    • 注意according to表示根据,而不是因为或者由于。这个句型可以表明酒店有一定的规范和标准,而不是随意制定的要求。
  • We are happy to offer you a complimentary upgrade to a deluxe room for extending your stay.

    • 我们很高兴为您提供免费升级到豪华房间的服务来感谢您延住。
    • 这是一个陈述句,用来告知客人延住的优惠。
    • 这个句型可以用在前台员工查询了房态后,确认了酒店有空房并且有更好的房型可供选择的情况下。
    • 注意complimentary表示免费赠送,而不是赞美或者恭维。这个句型可以表明酒店对客人的感激和尊重,而不是奉承或者拍马屁。


  • Do you agree to extend your stay with this rate and policy?

    • 您同意以这个价格和政策延住吗?
    • 这是一个一般疑问句,用来询问客人是否接受延住的条件。
    • 这个句型可以用在前台员工告知了客人延住的价格和政策后,等待客人的回复的情况下。
    • 注意agree表示同意,而不是愿意或者满意。这个句型可以表明酒店需要客人的确认和承诺,而不是仅仅询问客人的感受或者意见。
  • Is there anything else we can do for you to make your stay more comfortable?

    • 还有什么我们可以为您做的,让您的入住更加舒适吗?
    • 这是一个特殊疑问句,用来询问客人是否有其他的特殊要求。
    • 这个句型可以用在前台员工告知了客人延住的价格和政策后,主动提供额外的服务的情况下。
    • 注意anything else表示其他的事情,而不是其他的选择或者方案。这个句型可以表明酒店对客人的关心和体贴,而不是对客人的怀疑或者不信任。
  • Would you like to confirm your extended stay now?

    • 您想要现在确认您的延住吗?
    • 这是一个一般疑问句,用来询问客人是否准备好办理延住。
    • 这个句型可以用在前台员工告知了客人延住的价格和政策后,催促客人做出决定的情况下。
    • 注意would like to表示客人的愿望,而不是实际的可能性。这个句型可以表明酒店对客人的尊重和耐心,而不是对客人的强迫或者威胁。 

Part 3. 情景对话

Front Desk: Good afternoon, this is the front desk. How may I help you?

Guest: Hi, this is Mr. Smith from room 101. I need to extend my stay for two more nights.

Front Desk: I see. May I have your reservation number, please?

Guest: Sure, it』s 123456789.

Front Desk: Thank you. Let me check the availability for you. Please hold on for a moment.

Guest: OK, thank you.

Front Desk: Thank you for waiting, Mr. Smith. I』m afraid your current room is already booked by another guest for tomorrow night. However, we do have another room available on the fifth floor, with the same room type and amenities as your current room.

Guest: I see. Well, that』s fine with me. Can I move to the new room tomorrow morning?

Front Desk: Of course, Mr. Smith. We will arrange the room transfer for you. The check-out time for your current room is 12:00 noon, and the check-in time for your new room is 2:00 pm. You can leave your luggage with us during this time, and we will deliver it to your new room as soon as possible.

Guest: That sounds good. Thank you for your help.

Front Desk: You』re welcome, Mr. Smith. The rate for extending your stay is $350 per night, which is $150 more than your previous rate.

Guest: I understand. That』s acceptable.

Front Desk: Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Smith. Do you agree to extend your stay with this rate and policy?

Guest: Yes, I do.

Front Desk: Great. Then I will confirm your extended stay now. Please sign this new reservation form and pay the deposit of $700 for extending your stay.

Guest: OK, no problem.

Front Desk: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Here is your new room key and receipt. Is there anything else we can do for you to make your stay more comfortable?

Guest: Well, could you please send someone to help me with my luggage tomorrow morning?

Front Desk: Of course, Mr. Smith. We will be happy to assist you with that. What time would you like us to come to your room?

Guest: How about 11:00 am?

Front Desk: OK, 11:00 am it is. We will send a bellboy to your room at that time.

Guest: Thank you very much.

Front Desk: You』re very welcome, Mr. Smith. Thank you for choosing our hotel and have a nice day.

Part 3. 情景对话
























Part 5. 课堂练习

1. Which of the following sentences is a polite way to ask the guest if he or she needs to extend the stay?

  •  A. Do you want to stay longer?
  •  B. Do you need to extend your stay?
  •  C. Do you have to extend your stay?
  •  D. Do you plan to extend your stay?

Answer: B

2. Which of the following sentences is a correct way to tell the guest the rate for extending the stay?

  •  A. The rate for extending your stay is $200 per night.**
  •  B. The rate for extending your stay is 200 dollars per night.**
  •  C. The rate for extending your stay is 200$ per night.**
  •  D. The rate for extending your stay is two hundred per night.**

Answer: A

3. Which of the following sentences is a polite way to ask the guest if he or she agrees to extend the stay with a certain rate and policy?

  •  A. Do you agree to extend your stay with this rate and policy?
  •  B. Are you willing to extend your stay with this rate and policy?
  •  C. Are you satisfied with this rate and policy for extending your stay?
  •  D. Are you ready to extend your stay with this rate and policy?

Answer: A

4. Which of the following sentences is a good way to offer additional services to the guest who has agreed to extend his or her stay?

  •  A. Is there anything else we can do for you to make your stay more comfortable?
  •  B. What else can we do for you to make your stay more comfortable?
  •  C. How can we make your stay more comfortable?
  •  D. Why don』t you try our other services to make your stay more comfortable?

Answer: A

5. Which of the following sentences is a standard way to end the service after completing all the procedures for extending the guest』s stay?

  •  A. Thank you for choosing our hotel and have a nice day.
  •  B. Thank you for extending your stay and enjoy your time.
  •  C. Thank you for your cooperation and have a good night.
  •  D. Thank you for your patience and see you soon.

Answer: A


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