- 接待客人:前台员工用礼貌和热情的语气问候客人,并询问客人的姓名和房间号,核对客人的入住信息。这一步骤的目的是确认客人的身份和预订情况,为后续的退房操作做准备。注意事项:要尊重客人的隐私,不要在其他客人面前透露客人的个人信息,如姓名、房间号、消费情况等。
- 询问消费情况:前台员工询问客人是否使用了酒店的其他收费服务,如餐饮、洗衣、电话等,并记录客人的消费情况。这一步骤的目的是计算客人的总费用,并检查是否有未付款或欠款的情况。注意事项:要详细地列出客人使用过的收费服务,并告知客人每项服务的单价和总价,避免引起客人的疑问或争议。
- 联系客房服务员:前台员工联系客房服务员,要求客房服务员查看客人的房间情况,是否有任何损坏或遗留物品,并及时反馈给前台员工。这一步骤的目的是检查客人是否对房间造成了损坏或污染,并收回酒店提供的物品,如毛巾、浴袍、拖鞋等。注意事项:要尽快地完成这一步骤,不要让客人等待太久,同时要礼貌地向客人解释这一步骤的必要性和意义。
- 办理退房手续:前台员工根据客人的消费情况和房间情况,计算客人的退款金额,并打印出退房单和发票,交给客人核对。如果客人有任何疑问或异议,前台员工要耐心地解答或解决。如果客人没有问题,前台员工收回客人的房卡,并使用刷卡机或现金机为客人办理退款,并给客人退款凭证。这一步骤的目的是完成退房操作,并向客人提供相关的凭证和证明。注意事项:要清楚地展示给客人退房单和发票,并指出其中的重要信息,如退房日期、费用、优惠等。要确保退款金额和方式与客人一致,并向客人说明退款流程和时间。
- 感谢并送别:前台员工感谢客人选择酒店,并表达对客人满意度的赞扬,祝福客人旅途愉快,并送别客人。如果需要,前台员工还可以为客人安排行李搬运或交通服务。这一步骤的目的是增强客人对酒店的好感和忠诚度,并给客人留下一个好印象。注意事项:要真诚地表达酒店的感激和欣赏,并且针对客人的具体表现或反馈来进行赞扬,如「Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.」、「We are glad that you enjoyed our service.」等。要根据客人的目的地或行程来进行适当的祝福,如「Have a safe flight!」、「Have a wonderful holiday!」等。
Part 1. 基础词汇
英文词汇 | 音标 | 中文意思 |
check-out | /ˈtʃek aʊt/ | 退房 |
mini-bar | /ˈmɪni bɑːr/ | 迷你吧 |
consumption | /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ | 消费 |
charge | /tʃɑːrdʒ/ | 收费 |
invoice | /ˈɪnvɔɪs/ | 发票 |
refund | /ˈriːfʌnd/ | 退款 |
room card | /ruːm kɑːrd/ | 房卡 |
room service | /ruːm ˈsɜːrvɪs/ | 客房服务 |
damage | /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ | 损坏 |
deposit | /dɪˈpɒzɪt/ | 押金 |
receipt | /rɪˈsiːt/ | 收据 |
credit card | /ˈkredɪt kɑːrd/ | 信用卡 |
cash | /kæʃ/ | 现金 |
policy | /ˈpɒləsi/ | 政策 |
compensation | /ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn/ | 赔偿 |
discount | /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ | 折扣 |
satisfaction | /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃn/ | 满意度 |
luggage | /ˈlʌgɪdʒ/ | 行李 |
transport | /ˈtrænspɔːrt/ | 交通 |
farewell | /fəˈwel/ | 告别 |
Part 2. 关键句型
Did you use any of the items in the mini-bar? 您是否使用了迷你吧里的物品?
- 这是一个询问客人是否有迷你吧消费的句型,用于核对客人的消费情况。一般在客人要退房的时候,前台员工会使用这个句型,然后根据客人的回答来进行下一步的操作。
- 在使用这个句型时,要注意礼貌地提问,不要让客人感觉被怀疑或指责。可以在句子前加上一些客套话,如「Excuse me」、「May I ask」等,表示尊重和理解。
Here is the list of the items you consumed from the mini-bar and their prices. Please check if they are correct. 这是您从迷你吧里消费的物品和价格的清单,请您核对一下是否正确。
- 这是一个确认客人迷你吧消费情况的句型,用于向客人提供相关的凭证和证明。一般在前台员工为客人计算好迷你吧消费的费用后,会使用这个句型,然后等待客人的核对和反馈。
- 在使用这个句型时,要注意清晰地展示给客人迷你吧消费清单,并指出其中的重要信息,如物品名称、数量、单价和总价等。可以在句子后加上一些邀请或询问的话,如「Do you have any questions?」、「Is everything okay?」等,表示关注和帮助。
The total amount of your mini-bar consumption is XX dollars. How would you like to pay for it? 您的迷你吧消费总额是XX美元。您想用什么方式付款呢?
- 这是一个收取客人迷你吧消费费用的句型,用于完成退房操作并向客人提供相关的凭证和证明。一般在客人确认无误后,前台员工会使用这个句型,然后根据客人的选择来使用刷卡机或现金机为客人办理付款,并给客人发票或收据。
- 在使用这个句型时,要注意礼貌地向客人提供不同的付款方式,并告知客人每种方式的优缺点,如「By credit card, it』s faster and safer.」、「By cash, you need to have exact change.」等,表示专业和友好。
Did you dine at our hotel restaurant and charge it to your room? 您是否在我们酒店的餐厅用餐并且挂在您的房间账上?
- 这是一个询问客人是否有挂房账消费的句型,用于核对客人的消费情况。一般在客人要退房的时候,前台员工会使用这个句型,然后根据客人的回答来进行下一步的操作。
- 在使用这个句型时,要注意礼貌地提问,不要让客人感觉被怀疑或指责。可以在句子前加上一些客套话,如「Excuse me」、「May I ask」等,表示尊重和理解。
We have received your restaurant bill from the waiter. The total amount is XX dollars. 我们已经从服务员那里收到了您的餐厅账单。总金额是XX美元。
- 这是一个说明酒店挂账消费金额的句型,用于告知客人挂账消费所需支付的费用。一般在客人表示在餐厅用餐并且挂账的时候,前台员工会使用这个句型,然后询问客人是否同意或有什么疑问。
- 在使用这个句型时,要注意清楚地表达酒店挂账消费的金额,并检查是否有未付款或欠款的情况。可以在句子后加上一些解释的话,如「For example」、等,表示说明。
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. We hope you enjoyed your stay at our hotel and we look forward to seeing you again. 我们感谢您的合作和理解。我们希望您在我们酒店的住宿愉快,并期待您的再次光临。
- 这是一个表达感谢和祝福的句型,用于增强客人对酒店的好感和忠诚度,并给客人留下一个好印象。一般在客人付清迷你吧消费费用后,前台员工会使用这个句型,然后送别客人。
How would you like to pay for your bill? By credit card or by cash? 您想用什么方式付款您的账单?用信用卡还是现金?
- 这是一个收取客人挂账消费费用的句型,用于完成退房操作并向客人提供相关的凭证和证明。一般在客人确认无误后,前台员工会使用这个句型,然后根据客人的选择来使用刷卡机或现金机为客人办理付款,并给客人发票或收据。
Part 3. 情景对话
- Front Desk Staff (F): Hello, welcome to Miros Hotel, how may I help you?
- Guest (G): Hello, I want to check out.
- F: Sure, may I have your name and room number please?
- G: I am Wang and I stayed in room 101.
- F: Okay, I see your booking information. Did you use any of the items in the mini-bar or dine at our hotel restaurant and charge it to your room?
- G: Yes, I did. I had a coke and some chips from the mini-bar, and I ate at the restaurant twice.
- F: Alright, thank you for your honesty. According to our hotel』s policy, we will charge you for the items you consumed from the mini-bar and the restaurant bills. Here is the list of your consumption and their prices. Please check if they are correct.
- G: Okay, let me see. Hmm, everything is fine.
- F: Thank you for your confirmation. The total amount of your consumption is 3988 yuan. How would you like to pay for it? By credit card or by cash?
- G: By credit card, please.
- F: Okay, then please give me your credit card and I will process your payment. Please wait a moment.
- F: Okay, here is your receipt and invoice. Please keep them well. Do you need any airport transfer service? We can offer you a 20% discount, which is 120 yuan.
- G: Really? That would be great. Thank you very much.
- F: You』re welcome. When do you need to go to the airport?
- G: I have a flight at 10 o』clock, so I guess I need to leave around 8:30.
- F: Okay, then I will arrange an 8:30 airport transfer service for you. How much luggage do you have?
- G: Just one suitcase and one backpack.
- F: Okay, then we will prepare a car for you to pick you up and drop you off. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. We hope you enjoyed your stay at our hotel and we look forward to seeing you again.
- G: Thank you very much! You have been very helpful and professional. Goodbye!
- 前台员工(F):您好,欢迎光临Miros酒店,请问有什么可以为您服务的吗?
- 客人(G):您好,我要退房了。
- F:好的,YY先生/女士,请问您是住在哪个房间呢?
- G:我是住在101号房间。
- F:好的,我看到了您的入住信息。请问您是否使用了我们酒店的其他收费服务,比如餐饮、洗衣、电话等?
- G:是的,我用了。我从迷你吧里拿了一瓶可乐和一包薯片,还在餐厅吃了两次饭。
- F:好的,谢谢您的诚实。根据我们酒店的政策,我们会向您收取您从迷你吧里消费的物品和餐厅账单的费用。这是您的消费清单和价格,请您核对一下是否正确。
- G:好的,我看一下。嗯,都没问题。
- F:谢谢您的确认。您的消费总额是3988元。您想用什么方式付款呢?用信用卡还是现金?
- G:用信用卡,请。
- F:好的,那请您把信用卡给我,我来为您办理付款,请稍等一下。
- F:好了,这是您的收据和发票,请您收好。请问您是否需要送机服务?我们可以为您提供8折优惠,只需要120元。
- G:真的吗?那太好了。非常感谢你们。
- F:不客气。请问您什么时候要去机场呢?
- G:我10点的飞机,所以我想8点半左右出发吧。
- F:好的,那我就为您安排8点半的送机服务。请问您有多少行李呢?
- G:就一个行李箱和一个背包。
- F:好的,那我们会为您准备一辆轿车来接送您。我们感谢您的合作和理解。我们希望您在我们酒店的住宿愉快,并期待您的再次光临。
- G:非常感谢你们!你们非常有帮助和专业。再见!
Part 4. Exercises
- 1. Which sentence should the front desk staff use first when the guest requests to check out?
- A. Did you use any of the items in the mini-bar or dine at our hotel restaurant and charge it to your room?
- B. We have received your restaurant bill from the waiter. The total amount is XX dollars.
- C. How would you like to pay for your restaurant bill? By credit card or by cash?
- D. May I have your name and room number please?
- Answer: D
- 2. Which sentence can the front desk staff use to ask the guest if they have any consumption from the mini-bar or the restaurant?
- A. Did you use any of the items in the mini-bar or dine at our hotel restaurant and charge it to your room?
- B. We have received your restaurant bill from the waiter. The total amount is XX dollars.
- C. How would you like to pay for your restaurant bill? By credit card or by cash?
- D. May I have your name and room number please?
- Answer: A
3. Which sentence can the front desk staff use to inform the guest of their consumption amount and ask for their confirmation?
- A. Did you use any of the items in the mini-bar or dine at our hotel restaurant and charge it to your room?
- B. We have received your restaurant bill from the waiter. The total amount is XX dollars.
- C. How would you like to pay for your restaurant bill? By credit card or by cash?
- D. May I have your name and room number please?
- Answer: B Okay, here are two more multiple choice questions about offering a discount and choosing a payment method.
4. Which sentence can the front desk staff use to offer a discount to the guest as a gesture of goodwill?
- A. Do you need any airport transfer service? We can offer you a 20% discount as a gesture of goodwill.
- B. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. We hope you enjoyed your stay at our hotel and we look forward to seeing you again.
- C. Here is your receipt and invoice. Please keep them well.
- D. May I have your name and room number please?
- Answer: A
- 5. Which sentence can the front desk staff use to ask the guest how they would like to pay for their consumption?
- A. Did you use any of the items in the mini-bar or dine at our hotel restaurant and charge it to your room?
- B. We have received your restaurant bill from the waiter. The total amount is XX dollars.
- C. How would you like to pay for your restaurant bill? By credit card or by cash?
- D. May I have your name and room number please?
- Answer: C