助力酒店管理 | 提升英语能力

康乐英语 | 泳池服务



  • 确保泳池的卫生和安全,定期检查泳池的水质、温度、深度、照明、通风等条件,及时处理任何异常或污染的情况。
  • 确保泳池的规则和秩序,监督和指导客人的游泳行为,防止客人发生危险或不文明的行为,如跳水、打闹、推搡、吐痰等。
  • 确保泳池的救援和急救,随时准备救生设备和急救箱,如发现客人有溺水、受伤、昏厥等情况,立即进行救助和施救,并及时联系医疗人员。
  • 确保泳池的物品和设施充足,及时补充泳池的物品和设施,如泳帽、泳镜、泳衣、浮板、毛巾、水杯、矿泉水、纸巾、肥皂、洗发水、沐浴露等。


    • 每天上班前,检查泳池的卫生和安全,如发现问题,及时报告并处理。
    • 每天上班时,穿着整齐、仪表端庄、态度热情、专业有礼,佩戴工作证和救生员标志。
    • 每天上班期间,站在泳池边,观察和监督客人的游泳情况,如发现客人有违反规则或危险的行为,及时制止和提醒。
    • 每天上班期间,随时准备救生设备和急救箱,如发现客人有溺水、受伤、昏厥等情况,立即进行救助和施救,按照救生和急救的程序和技巧,稳定客人的情况,并及时联系医疗人员。
    • 每天上班期间,保持泳池的物品和设施充足,及时补充泳池的物品和设施,如泳帽、泳镜、泳衣、浮板、毛巾、水杯、矿泉水、纸巾、肥皂、洗发水、沐浴露等。
    • 每天下班前,清理和整理泳池的物品和设施,如泳帽、泳镜、泳衣、浮板、毛巾、水杯、矿泉水、纸巾、肥皂、洗发水、沐浴露等,将它们放回原位或送到洗涤处。
    • 每天下班时,脱下工作证和救生员标志,换下工作服,打卡下班。

Part 2. 情景对话


  • Steven: The hotel pool lifeguard, who is new to the job and not familiar with the hotel services.
  • Mr. Toner: The guest from room 1219, who wants to learn how to swim the breaststroke, and asks Steven for a swimming coach.
  • Jason: The supervisor of the hotel pool, who answers Steven』s phone call and explains the swimming coach service to Mr. Toner.


Steven: Good evening sir.

Mr. Toner: Good evening, I』d like to use the pool, but I don』t know how to swim the breaststroke. Do you have a swimming coach who can teach me?

Steven: I』m sorry, but I』m not sure if we have a swimming coach. I just started working here yesterday, and I』m still learning the ropes. Please wait a moment, and I』ll ask my supervisor.

Mr. Toner: Sure, no problem. Thank you.

Steven: You』re welcome sir. Please stay here, and I』ll be right back.

(Steven takes out his phone, and calls his supervisor Jason.)

Steven: Hello Jason. This is Steven, I have a question for you.

Jason: Hello, Steven. What can I do for you?

Steven: I have a guest here who wants to learn how to swim the breaststroke. He wants to know if we have a swimming coach. Do we have a swimming coach?

Jason: Yes, we do have a swimming coach. But he』s not always available. He only works by appointment, and he charges a full fee. Can you put your phone on speaker, so the guest can hear me, too?

Steven: Sure Jason. Just a second.

(Steven puts his phone on speaker, and holds it near Mr. Toner.)

Steven: Hello sir, this is my supervisor Jason. He can answer your question about the swimming coach.

Jason: Good evening sir. This is Jason, the supervisor of the pool. May I have your name please?

Mr. Toner: Good evening Jason. My name is Tony Toner.

Jason: OK Mr. Toner, we do have a swimming coach, but he』s not always available. He only works by appointment, and he charges a full fee.

Mr. Toner: I see, how much is the fee, and how many lessons do I need?

Jason: The total fee is 3500 yuan, which includes a 15% surcharge, for 5 lessons. Each lesson is 2 hours long, from 3 pm to 5 pm. You can choose any day you want, as long as you book at least one day in advance. Are you okay with that Mr. Toner?

Mr. Toner: Yes, I』m okay with that. It sounds reasonable. Please book a swimming coach for me.

Jason: Alright Mr. Toner. I』ll book a swimming coach for you. What is your room number please?

Mr. Toner: 1219, Tony Toner.

Jason: Okay Mr. Toner. I』ve booked a swimming coach for you. His name is Tom, and he』s very experienced and friendly. He』ll be here tomorrow at 2:45 pm. Please be here on time, and bring your swimsuit and goggles. Do you have any other questions Mr. Toner?

Mr. Toner: No, I don』t. Thank you Jason.

Jason: You』re welcome Mr. Toner. See you tomorrow.

Mr. Toner: See you.


Part 3. 基础词汇

英文词汇 音标 中文意思
pool /puːl/ 泳池
lifeguard /ˈlaɪfɡɑːrd/ 救生员
swim /swɪm/ 游泳
coach /koʊtʃ/ 教练
breaststroke /ˈbreststroʊk/ 蛙泳
supervisor /ˈsuːpərvaɪzər/ 主管
appointment /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ 预约
fee /fiː/ 费用
lesson /ˈlesn/ 课程
swimsuit /ˈswɪmsuːt/ 泳衣
goggles /ˈɡɒɡlz/ 泳镜
locker /ˈlɒkər/ 储物柜
towel /ˈtaʊəl/ 毛巾
speaker /ˈspiːkər/ 扬声器
available /əˈveɪ.lə.bəl/ 可用的
surcharge /ˈsɜːrtʃɑːrdʒ/ 额外的

Part 4. 常用句型

  1. I』m sorry, but I』m not sure if we have a swimming coach.(很抱歉,我不确定我们是否有游泳教练。)
    • 这是一种委婉地表达不确定的句型,用于回答对方的问题并表示自己不确定的情况。
  2. Please wait a moment, and I』ll ask my supervisor.(请稍等片刻,我会去问我的主管。)
    • 这是一种礼貌地请对方稍等的句型,用于表示自己需要去请示上级或寻求他人的帮助。
  3. Can you put your phone on speaker, so the guest can hear me, too?(你能把手机开扬声器吗,这样客人也能听到我的声音吗?)
    • 这是一种请求对方将手机设置为扬声器模式的句型,以便其他人也能听到对话内容。
  4. Are you interested in booking a swimming coach?(您有兴趣预订游泳教练吗?)
    • 这是一种询问对方是否对预订游泳教练感兴趣的句型。
  5. The fee is 3500 yuan in total, for 5 lessons.(费用总计为3500元,包括5节课。)
    • 这是一种表达费用的句型,用于告知对方所需支付的金额和课程数量。
  6. Please be here on time, and bring your swimsuit and goggles.(请准时到达,并携带泳衣和护目镜。)
    • 这是一种提醒对方准时到达并携带必要物品的句型,用于确保对方有一个顺利的体验。

Part 5. 课堂练习

  1. What is the name of the guest who wants to learn how to swim the breaststroke?
    • A. Steven
    • B. Jason
    • C. Tom
    • D. Toner
    • Answer: D
  2. What is the name of the lifeguard who is new to the job and not familiar with the hotel services?
    • A. Steven
    • B. Jason
    • C. Tom
    • D. Toner
    • Answer: A
  3. What is the name of the supervisor who explains the swimming coach service to the guest?
    • A. Steven
    • B. Jason
    • C. Tom
    • D. Toner
    • Answer: B
  4. How much is the fee for the swimming coach service, and how many lessons does it include?
    • A. 3500 yuan for 5 lessons
    • B. 3500 yuan for 10 lessons
    • C. 7000 yuan for 5 lessons
    • D. 7000 yuan for 10 lessons
    • Answer: A
  5. When and where will the guest meet the swimming coach for the first lesson?
    • A. Tomorrow at 2:45 pm at the pool
    • B. Tomorrow at 3:00 pm at the pool
    • C. The day after tomorrow at 2:45 pm at the pool
    • D. The day after tomorrow at 3:00 pm at the pool
    • Answer: A
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