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初一是农历新年的第一天,也是万象更新的开始,人们会在这一天拜年、走亲访友,祝愿新的一年能够幸福美满,事业有成,这也是「拜年」的意思。 所以,如果你想在初一给你的亲友发祝福,你可以说「新年快乐」、「祝你新年幸福」、「祝你在新的一年事事顺利」等等。




  • 家人:家人是我们最亲近的人,我们向他们表达我们的爱和感激,祝福他们身体健康、阖家幸福、万事如意。如果我们不能和家人团聚,可以通过电话、视频、微信等方式,向他们送上我们的心意和祝福。
  • 亲友:亲友是我们生活中的重要支持,我们向他们表达我们的友情和关怀,祝福他们工作顺利、生活美满、幸福安康。如果我们有机会和亲友聚会,可以通过拜年、赠送礼物、互相祝贺等方式,增进我们的感情和友谊。
  • 同事:同事是我们工作中的重要伙伴,我们向他们表达我们的尊重和合作,祝福他们事业有成、收获丰硕、平安顺遂。如果我们和同事有良好的关系,可以通过送贺卡、发红包、互相鼓励等方式,提升我们的团队精神和工作效率。
  • 客户:客户是我们业务中的重要对象,我们向他们表达我们的感谢和服务,祝福他们生意兴隆、财源广进、合作愉快。如果我们和客户有长期的合作,可以通过送礼品、发优惠券、提供优质服务等方式,增强我们的信任和忠诚。
  • 领导:领导是我们职场中的重要导师,我们向他们表达我们的敬意和学习,祝福他们身体健康、工作顺利、升职加薪。如果我们和领导有良好的沟通,可以送贺卡、发祝福短信、表达敬佩之情等方式,稳固我们的职业人脉,增进发展空间。





  • 爸爸妈妈,新年快乐,感谢你们一直以来的爱护和支持,祝你们身体健康,心想事成,笑口常开!
  • Dad and Mom, happy new year, thank you for your love and support all the time, wish you good health, success in everything, and always smile!
  • 哥哥姐姐,新年快乐,感谢你们一直以来的照顾和帮助,祝你们工作顺利,家庭幸福,平安吉祥!
  • Brother and Sister, happy new year, thank you for your care and help all the time, wish you smooth work, happy family, and peace and luck!
  • 弟弟妹妹,新年快乐,感谢你们一直以来的陪伴和信任,祝你们学习进步,健康成长,快乐无忧!
  • Younger brother and sister, happy new year, thank you for your company and trust all the time, wish you progress in learning, healthy growth, and happiness without worries!
  • 爷爷奶奶,新年快乐,感谢你们一直以来的教导和关怀,祝你们福寿安康,晚年幸福,万事如意!
  • Grandpa and Grandma, happy new year, thank you for your teaching and care all the time, wish you longevity and well-being, happiness in old age, and all the best!
  • 外公外婆,新年快乐,感谢你们一直以来的宠爱和鼓励,祝你们健康长寿,乐观开朗,心想事成!
  • Grandpa and Grandma on mother's side, happy new year, thank you for your spoiling and encouragement all the time, wish you health and longevity, optimism and cheerfulness, and success in everything!
  • 亲爱的老公/老婆,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的陪伴和付出,祝你事业有成,美丽动人,永远爱我!
  • Dear husband/wife, happy new year, thank you for your company and devotion all the time, wish you success in your career, beauty and charm, and always love me!
  • 亲爱的儿子/女儿,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的孝顺和努力,祝你成绩优秀,健康快乐,前程似锦!
  • Dear son/daughter, happy new year, thank you for your filial piety and hard work all the time, wish you excellent grades, health and happiness, and a bright future!
  • 亲爱的爸爸/妈妈,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的养育和教育,祝你幸福安康,年轻美丽,永远开心!
  • Dear dad/mom, happy new year, thank you for your upbringing and education all the time, wish you happiness and well-being, youth and beauty, and always happy!
  • 亲爱的哥哥/姐姐,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的保护和支持,祝你恋爱甜蜜,婚姻美满,幸福永远!
  • Dear elder brother/sister, happy new year, thank you for your protection and support all the time, wish you sweet love, happy marriage, and happiness forever!
  • 亲爱的弟弟/妹妹,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的陪伴和信赖,祝你梦想成真,才华横溢,未来无限!
  • Dear younger brother/sister, happy new year, thank you for your company and trust all the time, wish you dream come true, talent and brilliance, and unlimited future!


  • 亲爱的朋友,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的友情和理解,祝你生活美好,心情愉快,友谊长存!
  • Dear friend, happy new year, thank you for your friendship and understanding all the time, wish you a wonderful life, a happy mood, and a lasting friendship!
  • 亲爱的同学,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的陪伴和帮助,祝你学习进步,考试顺利,前途光明!
  • Dear classmate, happy new year, thank you for your company and help all the time, wish you progress in learning, smooth exams, and a bright future!
  • 亲爱的邻居,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的照顾和关心,祝你家庭和睦,财源滚滚,平安吉祥!
  • Dear neighbor, happy new year, thank you for your care and concern all the time, wish you a harmonious family, a rolling wealth, and peace and luck!
  • 亲爱的表哥/表姐,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的指导和鼓励,祝你事业有成,身体健康,幸福美满!
  • Dear cousin, happy new year, thank you for your guidance and encouragement all the time, wish you success in your career, good health, and happiness!
  • 亲爱的堂哥/堂姐,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的疼爱和支持,祝你工作顺利,家庭幸福,万事如意!
  • Dear cousin, happy new year, thank you for your love and support all the time, wish you smooth work, happy family, and all the best!
  • 亲爱的表弟/表妹,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的陪伴和信任,祝你成绩优秀,健康快乐,前程似锦!
  • Dear cousin, happy new year, thank you for your company and trust all the time, wish you excellent grades, health and happiness, and a bright future!
  • 亲爱的堂弟/堂妹,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的陪伴和信赖,祝你梦想成真,才华横溢,未来无限!
  • Dear cousin, happy new year, thank you for your company and trust all the time, wish you dream come true, talent and brilliance, and unlimited future!
  • 亲爱的舅舅/舅妈,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的教导和关怀,祝你福寿安康,晚年幸福,万事如意!
  • Dear uncle/aunt, happy new year, thank you for your teaching and care all the time, wish you longevity and well-being, happiness in old age, and all the best!
  • 亲爱的姑姑/姑父,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的宠爱和鼓励,祝你健康长寿,乐观开朗,心想事成!
  • Dear aunt/uncle, happy new year, thank you for your spoiling and encouragement all the time, wish you health and longevity, optimism and cheerfulness, and success in everything!


  • 亲爱的XXX,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的合作和支持,祝你工作顺利,收入增加,职场风光!
  • Dear colleague, happy new year, thank you for your cooperation and support all the time, wish you smooth work, increased income, and career success!
  • 亲爱的XXX,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的分享和帮助,祝你学习进步,能力提升,专业出众!
  • Dear colleague, happy new year, thank you for your sharing and help all the time, wish you progress in learning, improved skills, and professional excellence!
  • 亲爱的各位同事,新年快乐,感谢大家一直以来的创新和贡献,祝你思维活跃,项目成功,业绩突出!
  • Dear colleague, happy new year, thank you for your innovation and contribution all the time, wish you active thinking, project success, and outstanding performance!
  • 亲爱的各位同事,新年快乐,感谢大家一直以来的勤奋和敬业,祝你工作轻松,效率高效,成果丰富!
  • Dear colleague, happy new year, thank you for your diligence and dedication all the time, wish you easy work, high efficiency, and rich results!
  • 亲爱的同事,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的忠诚和信任,祝你事业有成,前途光明,未来无限!
  • Dear colleague, happy new year, thank you for your loyalty and trust all the time, wish you success in your career, bright future, and unlimited potential!
  • 亲爱的同事,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的关心和鼓励,祝你身体健康,心情愉快,幸福美满!
  • Dear colleague, happy new year, thank you for your concern and encouragement all the time, wish you good health, happy mood, and happiness!
  • 亲爱的同事,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的建议和反馈,祝你意见被采纳,问题被解决,满意度提高!
  • Dear colleague, happy new year, thank you for your suggestions and feedback all the time, wish you opinions be adopted, problems be solved, and satisfaction be improved!
  • 亲爱的同事,新年快乐,感谢你一直以来的配合和理解,祝你工作顺畅,客户满意,信誉良好!
  • Dear colleague, happy new year, thank you for your cooperation and understanding all the time, wish you smooth work, satisfied customers, and good reputation!


  • 尊敬的客户,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的信任和支持,祝您生意兴隆,财源广进,合作愉快!
  • Dear customer, happy new year, thank you for your trust and support all the time, wish you prosperous business, abundant wealth, and pleasant cooperation!
  • 尊敬的客户,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的选择和推荐,祝您产品优质,服务周到,口碑良好!
  • Dear customer, happy new year, thank you for your choice and recommendation all the time, wish you high-quality products, attentive service, and good reputation!
  • 尊敬的客户,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的关注和反馈,祝您需求满足,问题解决,满意度提高!
  • Dear customer, happy new year, thank you for your attention and feedback all the time, wish you meet your needs, solve your problems, and improve your satisfaction!
  • 尊敬的客户,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的合作和理解,祝您交易顺利,利润增加,信誉良好!
  • Dear customer, happy new year, thank you for your cooperation and understanding all the time, wish you smooth transactions, increased profits, and good credit!
  • 尊敬的客户,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的赞赏和鼓励,祝您品味高雅,气质出众,风度翩翩!
  • Dear customer, happy new year, thank you for your appreciation and encouragement all the time, wish you elegant taste, outstanding temperament, and graceful manner!
  • 尊敬的客户,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的忠诚和信赖,祝您合作长久,关系稳固,忠诚度提高!
  • Dear customer, happy new year, thank you for your loyalty and trust all the time, wish you long-term cooperation, stable relationship, and improved loyalty!
  • 尊敬的客户,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的建议和意见,祝您创意无限,见解独到,影响力增强!
  • Dear customer, happy new year, thank you for your suggestions and opinions all the time, wish you unlimited creativity, unique insights, and enhanced influence!
  • 尊敬的客户,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的关心和帮助,祝您身体健康,心情愉快,幸福美满!
  • Dear customer, happy new year, thank you for your concern and help all the time, wish you good health, happy mood, and happiness!
  • 尊敬的客户,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的分享和参与,祝您信息丰富,活动精彩,互动有趣!
  • Dear customer, happy new year, thank you for your sharing and participation all the time, wish you rich information, wonderful activities, and interesting interaction!
  • 尊敬的客户,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的领导和支持,祝您行业领先,市场占有,竞争力强!
  • Dear customer, happy new year, thank you for your leadership and support all the time, wish you industry-leading, market-occupying, and competitive!


  • 尊敬的领导,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的指导和培养,祝您身体健康,精力充沛,领导有方!

  • Dear leader, happy new year, thank you for your guidance and training all the time, wish you good health, abundant energy, and good leadership!

  • 尊敬的领导,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的信任和支持,祝您事业有成,收获丰富,成就非凡!

  • Dear leader, happy new year, thank you for your trust and support all the time, wish you success in your career, rich harvest, and extraordinary achievements!

  • 尊敬的领导,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的关怀和帮助,祝您项目成功,业绩突出!

  • Dear leader, happy new year, thank you for your care and coordination all the time, wish you active thinking, project success, and outstanding performance!

  • 尊敬的领导,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的关心和鼓励,祝您身体健康,心情愉快,幸福美满!

  • Dear leader, happy new year, thank you for your concern and encouragement all the time, wish you good health, happy mood, and happiness!

  • 尊敬的领导,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的赞赏和奖励,祝您品味高雅,气质出众,风度翩翩!

  • Dear leader, happy new year, thank you for your appreciation and reward all the time, wish you elegant taste, outstanding temperament, and graceful manner!

  • 尊敬的领导,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的领导和支持,祝您工作顺利,成果丰富!

  • Dear leader, happy new year, thank you for your leadership and support all the time, wish you easy work, and rich results!


  • 尊敬的老师,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的教导和关怀,祝您身体健康,精神饱满,教学有方!

  • Dear teacher, happy new year, thank you for your teaching and care all the time, wish you good health, full spirit, and good teaching!

  • 尊敬的老师,新年快乐,感谢您的知识和智慧,祝您学识渊博,见解独到,学术有声!

  • Dear teacher, happy new year, thank you for your knowledge and wisdom, wish you profound knowledge, unique insights, and academic reputation!

  • 尊敬的老师,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的耐心和细心,祝您工作顺利,学生优秀,教育有功!

  • Dear teacher, happy new year, thank you for your patience and carefulness all the time, wish you smooth work, excellent students, and educational merit!

  • 尊敬的老师,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的鼓励和支持,祝您心情愉快,信心十足,幸福美满!

  • Dear teacher, happy new year, thank you for your encouragement and support all the time, wish you happy mood, full confidence, and happiness!

  • 尊敬的老师,新年快乐,感谢您一直以来的赞赏和奖励,祝您品味高雅,气质出众,风度翩翩!

  • Dear teacher, happy new year, thank you for your appreciation and reward all the time, wish you elegant taste, outstanding temperament, and graceful manner!

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未经允许不得转载:酒店英语 » 过年了,别忘了发送祝福!但最好别在除夕这天发

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