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餐饮英语 | "你扫我还是我扫你?"的英语是...


Part 1. 结账送客工作流程


  • 当客人确定不需要再点其它食品或饮料时,服务员应核对好客人的账单,以便客人要求结账时,服务员能快速为客人提供账单,并礼貌地询问客人是否需要发票。
    • 例句:Sir, is everything goes well? Are you ready for the bill? Do you need a receipt?
  • 将账单夹在结账夹内,从客人右侧递给客人,询问客人结账方式,同时为客人递上签字笔。
    • 例句:Here is your bill, sir. How do you like to pay?
  • 服务员应站在客人身旁,等待客人核对账单,如有疑问,应及时解释或更正。
    • 例句:Please check the bill carefully, sir. If you have any questions, please let me know. I'll be happy to assist you.
  • 服务员应根据客人的付款方式,提供相应的服务:
    • 如果客人使用现金付款,服务员应检查客人所付的现金,需要当面清点数量和真假,并将现金和账单交回收银处,核对收银处所找钱是否正确,将找钱和账单存根或发票放在结账夹中,送回给客人。
      • 例句:You are paying by cash, sir? Let me count the money for you. I'll be right back with your change and receipt. Here you are, sir.
    • 如果客人使用信用卡付款,服务员应请客人等候,并在POS 机上进行信用卡刷卡操作,请客人输入信用卡密码(如果有),同时为客人递上笔,请客人分别在账单和信用卡收据上签字,打印客人存根小票交给客人,并检查客人的签字是否与信用卡上的签字一致,将签好字的账单和收据收回。
      • 例句:Please sign on both the bill and the receipt.
    • 如果客人使用其他付款方式,如微信、支付宝等,服务员应根据收银处的指示,协助客人完成付款操作,并向客人致谢。
      • 例句
        • You are paying by WeChat, sir? Please scan this QR code on the bill. It will direct you to the payment page.
        • Please show me your Wechatt Pay QR code, sir, I'll scan it.
        • OK, you have paid successfully. Thank you for your payment.
    • 如果客人要求挂房账,服务员应礼貌地请客人用正楷写下房间号码及姓名,并核对客人的房卡,以避免因客人写错房号挂错账,或者有人恶意消费。
      • 例句:You want to charge to your room, sir? Please write down your room number and name in block letters on the bill. And may I see your room key, sir? I need to verify your identity. It matches. Thank you for your cooperation.


  • 当客人准备离开时,服务员应为客人拉椅,提醒客人带好随身物品,礼貌地与客人道别,并欢迎客人再次光临。
    • 例句:Please allow me to pull the chair for you, sir. Have you got everything with you, sir? Thank you for coming. We hope to see you again soon.
  • 如果客人有衣帽寄存服务,服务员应主动为客人取回衣帽,并递给客人。
    • 例句:Did you leave your coat at the cloakroom, sir? Let me get it for you. Here is your coat, sir. Please check if it's yours.
  • 如果客人需要叫车服务,服务员应主动为客人叫车,并告知客人车牌号和预计到达时间。
    • 例句:Do you need a taxi, sir? I can call one for you. The taxi will be here in about 10 minutes. The license plate number is A12345. Please wait here, sir. I'll let you know when the taxi arrives.
  • 如果客人有其他特殊需求,服务员应尽力满足或转达给相关人员处理。
    • 例句:Do you have any special requests, sir? We will try our best to accommodate you. If not, please feel free to contact our manager or supervisor. They will be glad to help you.
  • 服务员应陪同客人至餐厅门口,为客人开门,再次表示感谢并欢迎客人下次再来。
    • 例句:Please follow me to the exit, sir. I'll open the door for you. Thank you for choosing our restaurant. We appreciate your business. Please come again.


  • 服务员在客人离开后应立即检查餐台处有无安全隐患和客人遗留物品,如有应及时处理,并按收台顺序清理餐台,更换台布,重新摆台,准备迎接下一批客人。

  • 服务员应将使用过的餐具、酒具、餐巾等送至洗碗间,将废弃物、垃圾等放入垃圾桶,保持餐厅的清洁和卫生。

  • 服务员应将客人的消费记录和意见反馈填写在客户档案中,以便为客人提供更好的服务。

Part 2. 情景对话

Mr. Chan: Excuse me, we'd like to pay the bill, please.

Jason: Certainly, sir. Here is your bill.

Mr. Chan: Thank you. Do you accept Alipay?

Jason: Yes, we do, sir.

Mr. Chan: Should I scan your QR code or should you scan mine?

Jason: I』ll scan your QR code with the POS machine.

Mr. Chan: OK.

Jason: Please hold on for a second, sir. OK. Payment is done. Could you please sign here on the bill and the receipt?

Mr. Chan: Sure.

Jason: Thank you. Here is your receipt. I hope you enjoyed your meal.

Mrs. Chan: We did. It was delicious. Thank you for your service.

Jason: You're welcome, madam. It was my pleasure to serve you.

Jason: Are you ready to leave, sir and madam?

Mr. Chan: Yes, we are. Could you call a taxi for us, please?

Jason: Of course, sir. I'll do that right away.

Jason: The taxi will be here in minutes, sir and madam. The license plate number is 琼B12345. Please wait here.

Mr. Chan: Thank you very much.

Jason: You're welcome, sir and madam. Thank you for choosing our restaurant.


Part 3. 基础词汇

单词 音标 中文意思
bill /bɪl/ 账单
accept /əkˈsept/ 接受
scan /skæn/ 扫描
code /koʊd/ 代码
machine /məˈʃiːn/ 机器
payment /ˈpeɪmənt/ 付款
sign /saɪn/ 签字
receipt /rɪˈsiːt/ 收据
enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ 享受
delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ 美味的
service /ˈsɜːrvɪs/ 服务
pleasure /ˈpleʒər/ 愉快
leave /liːv/ 离开
taxi /ˈtæksi/ 出租车
license plate /ˈlaɪsns, pleɪt/ 车牌
arrive /əˈraɪv/ 到达
choose /tʃuːz/ 选择
restaurant /ˈrestrɒnt/ 餐厅

Part 4. 关键句型

1. We'd like to pay the bill, please.


  • 这是一个礼貌地向服务员要求结账的句式,其中用了 would like to 表示愿望或请求,而不是直接用 want to,以免显得太过直接或粗鲁。
  • pay the bill 是一个固定搭配,表示付款或结账,也可以用 pay for something 表示付款买某物。

2. Do you accept Alipay?


  • 这是一个询问商家是否接受某种支付方式的句式,其中用了 do you 表示一般疑问句,用来询问对方的情况或意见,回答时要用 yes 或 no。
  • accept 是一个动词,表示接受或收取,后面可以跟名词或动名词作宾语,如 accept cash 接受现金,accept doing something 接受做某事。

3. I hope you enjoyed your meal.


  • 这是一个表示祝愿或期望的句式,其中用了 hope 表示希望,后面可以跟名词或从句作宾语,如 hope for the best 希望一切顺利,hope that ... 希望......
  • enjoy 是一个动词,表示享受或喜欢,后面可以跟名词或动名词作宾语,如 enjoy life 享受生活,enjoy doing something 喜欢做某事。

4. Thank you for choosing our restaurant.


  • 这是一个表示感谢或赞扬的句式,其中用了 thank you 表示谢谢,后面可以跟 for 或者 for doing something 表示感谢的原因,如 thank you for your help 谢谢您的帮助,thank you for coming 谢谢您的光临。
  • choose 是一个动词,表示选择或挑选,后面可以跟名词或动词不定式作宾语,如 choose a book 选择一本书,choose to do something 选择做某事。

Part 5. 课堂练习

  1. What does Mr. Chan ask Jason about paying the bill? -

    • A. Whether they accept cash.
    • B. Whether they accept Alipay.
    • C. Whether they accept credit cards.
    • D. Whether they have a discount for cash payment.
  2. Who will scan the QR code for the payment? -

    • A. Mr. Chan will scan Jason's QR code.
    • B. Jason will scan Mr. Chan's QR code.
    • C. Mrs. Chan will scan Jason's QR code.
    • D. The waiter will provide a QR code for scanning.
  3. What does Jason ask Mr. Chan to do after the payment is successful? -

    • A. To sign on the bill and receipt.
    • B. To wait for the taxi.
    • C. To give a tip.
    • D. To rate the service.
  4. How long will it take for the taxi to arrive according to Jason?

    • A. 1 minute.
    • B. About 2 minutes.
    • C. Didn't mentioned.
    • D. About 20 minutes.

Answer: B B A C

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