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康乐英语 | 儿童乐园


Part 1. 儿童乐园接待客人服务的工作流程

1. 问候客人并介绍儿童乐园服务

  • 用礼貌和热情的语气问候客人,并询问他们的需求和意图,例如:

Hello, welcome to our children’s playground. I’m Bob, your service staff. How may I help you? 你好,欢迎来到我们的儿童乐园。我是Bob,你的服务人员。有什么可以帮助你的吗?

  • 介绍儿童乐园服务的种类、价格、时间和效果,并给客人一份小册子,例如:

We have a variety of children’s playground services, such as children’s play facilities, children’s experience courses, children’s parent-child activities, children’s exclusive benefits, etc. You can choose the one that suits your needs and preferences. Here is a brochure with the details of each service, including the price, duration, and effect. 我们有各种儿童乐园服务,比如儿童游乐设施、儿童体验课程、儿童亲子活动、儿童专属礼遇等。你可以根据你的需求和喜好选择合适的项目。这是一份小册子,里面有每项服务的详细信息,包括价格、时间和效果。

2. 帮助客人选择和预订儿童乐园服务

  • 询问客人是否有兴趣尝试儿童乐园服务,并根据客人的回答,推荐合适的服务,例如:

Are you interested in trying our children’s playground services? 你有兴趣尝试我们的儿童乐园服务吗?
I recommend you to try our children’s play facilities. They are fun and exciting, and can help your children to exercise their body and skills. 我建议你试试我们的儿童游乐设施。它们既有趣又刺激,可以帮助你的孩子锻炼身体和技能。

  • 确认客人的选择,并询问客人的可用时间,例如:

OK, so you have decided to try our children’s play facilities. How long do you want to play? 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or 90 minutes? 好的,那么你已经决定要试试我们的儿童游乐设施。你想要玩多长时间?30分钟,60分钟,还是90分钟?

  • 安排合适的时间和地点,并告知客人预订的结果,例如:

OK, so you want to play for 60 minutes today. Let me check the availability. … We have a slot at 3 p.m. Is that OK for you? 好的,那么你想要今天玩60分钟。让我看看有没有空位。…我们有一个下午三点的空位。你觉得可以吗?

3. 为客人准备儿童乐园服务

  • 在客人到达儿童乐园之前,为客人准备好所需的设备、用品和环境,例如:
  • 清洁并消毒游乐设施、体验课程的器材、亲子活动的材料等
  • 准备好客人选择的儿童护照、儿童欢迎礼品、儿童浴室配品等
  • 调节好室内的温度、灯光、音乐等
  • 在客人到达儿童乐园时,再次问候客人,并引导客人到指定的地点,例如:

Hello, Mr. Smith. Welcome to our children’s playground. I’m Bob, your service staff. Please follow me to the play area. 你好,Smith先生。欢迎来到我们的儿童乐园。我是Bob,你的服务人员。请跟我来到游乐区。

  • 在客人进入地点后,向客人介绍地点内的设施,并告知客人如何使用,例如:

This is the play area. You can find various play facilities here, such as slides, swings, skateboards, brave road, etc. You can use them to have fun and exercise. 这是游乐区。你可以在这里找到各种游乐设施,比如滑梯、秋千、滑板、勇敢者道路等。你可以用它们来玩耍和锻炼。

4. 为客人结账并送别

  • 在客人完成儿童乐园服务后,向客人询问服务的满意度,并感谢客人的光临,例如:

How was your children’s playground experience? Did you enjoy it? 你的儿童乐园体验怎么样?你喜欢吗?
Thank you for choosing our children’s playground. We appreciate your visit. 谢谢你选择我们的儿童乐园。我们感谢你的光临。

  • 向客人提供结账的方式,并根据客人的选择,为客人处理结账的流程,例如:

How would you like to pay? By cash, credit card, or room charge? 你想用什么方式付款?现金,信用卡,还是房间账单?
OK, so you want to pay by credit card. Please swipe your card here and enter your PIN. 好的,那么你想用信用卡付款。请在这里刷卡并输入你的密码。

  • 向客人提供发票或收据,并根据客人的需要,为客人提供其他的服务,例如:

Here is your invoice. Do you need a receipt? 这是你的发票。你需要收据吗?
OK, I’ll print a receipt for you. Do you need anything else? 好的,我给你打印一张收据。你还需要别的什么吗?

  • 向客人告别,并邀请客人再次光临,例如:

It was a pleasure to serve you. We hope to see you again soon. Have a nice day. 很高兴为你服务。我们希望很快再见到你。祝你有美好的一天。


Part 2. 情景对话

Angel: Good morning, madam, welcome to Kids Club. I’m Angel. How may I help you?

Jenny: Hi, Angel. I’m Jenny. I’m staying in room 1622. I want to know what kind of activities do you offer in the Kids Club?

Angel: We have a variety of Kids Club services, such as children’s play facilities, children’s experience courses, children’s parent-child activities, children’s exclusive benefits, etc. You can choose the one that suits your needs and preferences. Here is a brochure with the details of each service, including the price, duration, and effect.

Jenny: Thank you. Let me have a look.

Angel: You’re welcome. Take your time. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.

Jenny: OK.

Jenny: I’m interested in this children’s experience course. What is it about?

Angel: It’s a course that teaches children some basic skills and knowledge, such as cooking, etiquette, room service, etc. It’s fun and educational, and can help children to develop their abilities and confidence.

Jenny: That sounds great. How long is the course?

Angel: The course is 90 minutes long. You can choose the time that suits you. We have courses every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Jenny: OK. I want to book a course for my daughter. She is six years old.

Angel: OK. When would you like to book?

Jenny: Well, I have an important meeting this afternoon. Can I leave my daughter here for the course and pick her up later?

Angel: Yes, that’s possible. However, we require parents to stay with their children for the first hour of the course for safety reasons. After that, you can leave your daughter here and come back later to pick her up.

Jenny: That sounds reasonable. What time would you recommend for the course?

Angel: We suggest booking the course in the morning or afternoon before the rush hour. This way, your daughter will have more space and attention during the course. We also offer a special early bird discount for morning bookings.

Jenny: OK, I’ll book the course for my daughter at 3 p.m. today. Do I need to bring anything?

Angel: Just bring your daughter and her enthusiasm for learning. We provide all the necessary materials and equipment for the course.

Jenny: Thank you for your help, Angel. I look forward to my daughter’s first experience here.

Angel: You’re welcome, Jenny. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Angel: 早上好,女士,欢迎来到儿童俱乐部。我是Angel。有什么可以帮助你的吗?

Jenny: 你好,Angel。我是Jenny。我住在1622房间。我想知道你们的儿童俱乐部都提供哪些活动项目?

Angel: 我们有各种儿童俱乐部服务,比如儿童游乐设施、儿童体验课程、儿童亲子活动、儿童专属礼遇等。你可以根据你的需求和喜好选择合适的项目。这是一份小册子,里面有每项服务的详细信息,包括价格、时间和效果。

Jenny: 谢谢。让我看看。

Angel: 不客气。慢慢看。如果你有任何问题,请随时问我。

Jenny: 好的。

Jenny: 我对这个儿童体验课程感兴趣。这是什么呢?

Angel: 这是一个教孩子一些基本技能和知识的课程,比如烹饪、礼仪、客房服务等。它既有趣又教育,可以帮助孩子培养他们的能力和自信。

Jenny: 这听起来很棒。课程有多长时间?

Angel: 课程是90分钟。你可以选择适合你的时间。我们每天从早上9点到下午6点都有课程。

Jenny: 好的。我想给我女儿预订一个课程。她六岁了。

Angel: 好的。你想什么时候预订?

Jenny: 嗯,我今天下午有一个重要的会议。我可以把我女儿留在这里上课,然后再来接她吗?

Angel: 是的,可以。不过,出于安全原因,我们要求家长在课程的第一个小时陪伴孩子。之后,你可以把你女儿留在这里,稍后再来接她。

Jenny: 这听起来很合理。你推荐什么时间的课程?

Angel: 我们建议在早上或下午的高峰期之前预订课程。这样,你女儿在课程中会有更多的空间和注意力。我们还为早上的预订提供特别的早鸟折扣。

Jenny: 好的,我今天下午三点给我女儿预订课程。我需要带什么东西吗?

Angel: 只需要带上你女儿和她的学习热情。我们提供课程所需的所有材料和设备。

Jenny: 谢谢你的帮助,Angel。我期待我女儿在这里的第一次体验。

Angel: 不客气,Jenny。如果你有其他的问题或担心,请随时联系我们。


Part 3. 基础词汇

单词 音标 中文意思
variety vəˈraɪəti 多样性
facilities fəˈsɪlətiz 设施
experience ɪkˈspɪəriəns 经验
courses kɔːrsɪz 课程
parent-child ˈpɛrənt-tʃaɪld 亲子
exclusive ɪkˈskluːsɪv 独家的
brochure ˈbroʊʃʊr 小册子
duration djuˈreɪʃn 持续时间
etiquette ˈɛtɪkɪt 礼仪
abilities əˈbɪlətiz 能力
confidence ˈkɑːnfɪdəns 自信
booking ˈbʊkɪŋ 预订
important ɪmˈpɔːrtənt 重要的
meeting ˈmiːtɪŋ 会议
afternoon ˌæftərˈnuːn 下午
hour aʊər 小时
safety ˈseɪfti 安全
recommend ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd 推荐
enthusiasm ɪnˈθuziˌæzəm 热情
concerns kənˈsɜːrnz 关注


Part 4. 关键句型

1. “I want to know” - 表达想要了解某事

这个句式用于表达想要获取信息或了解某个事物的意思。在对话中,Jenny使用这个句式来询问Kids Club提供哪些活动。

例句:I want to know the schedule for the event.

2. “What is it about?” - 询问某事物的内容或主题

这个句式用于询问某个事物的具体内容或主题。在对话中,Jenny对children’s experience course感兴趣,使用这个句式询问课程的内容。

例句:What is the movie about?

3. “How long is…?” - 询问持续时间

这个句式用于询问某个活动、事件或课程的持续时间。在对话中,Jenny使用这个句式询问children’s experience course的时长。

例句:How long is the flight from New York to London?

4. “Can I…?” - 请求允许或询问是否可以做某事

这个句式用于请求允许或询问是否可以做某个动作或行为。在对话中,Jenny想知道是否可以在重要会议期间将女儿留在Kids Club参加课程。

例句:Can I use your phone to make a call?

5. “What time would you recommend…?” - 询问对方的推荐时间


例句:What time would you recommend me to visit the museum?


Part 5.课堂练习

1. What kind of activities does the Kids Club offer?

  • a) Children’s play facilities
  • b) Children’s parent-child activities
  • c) Children’s exclusive benefits
  • d) All of the above

2. What does the children’s experience course teach?

  • a) Cooking
  • b) Etiquette
  • c) Room service
  • d) All of the above

3. How long is the children’s experience course?

  • a) 30 minutes
  • b) 60 minutes
  • c) 90 minutes
  • d) 120 minutes

4. When can you book a course at the Kids Club?

  • a) Only in the morning
  • b) Only in the afternoon
  • c) Anytime between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • d) Only during rush hour

5. What do you need to bring for the course?

  • a) Your daughter and her enthusiasm for learning
  • b) All the necessary materials and equipment
  • c) Your own cooking utensils
  • d) A brochure with the course details

参考答案:d d c c a


酒店里的儿童乐园通常翻译为"Kids Club"或"Children's Playground",具体使用哪个翻译更好取决于酒店的定位和目标受众。以下是对两个翻译的简要说明:

Kids Club: 强调了一个专门为孩子们提供服务和活动的俱乐部或场所。这个翻译更加注重提供全面的儿童服务,包括娱乐、学习和亲子活动等。它通常用于高档酒店或度假村,旨在吸引家庭旅客和他们的孩子。

Children's Playground: 指的是一个供孩子们玩耍和娱乐的场所,通常包括游乐设施、滑梯、秋千等。这个翻译更加注重提供儿童玩乐的设施和空间,适用于各类酒店,特别是那些着重提供家庭友好环境的酒店。

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